In 1969, a group of up-and-coming attorneys sought out to provide a safe haven for troubled young people in the Nashville area. Fast forward nearly 50 years and that remarkable act of generosity has evolved into what is now Oasis Center.


Put simply, Oasis Center strives to ensure all young people can easily access basic needs: caring adults, a warm bed, hot meals, a safe environment, good health care, an effective education and opportunities to help others. Over 3,000 youth and families in Middle Tennessee turn to Oasis Center for help and direct support every year.

Of the many youth initiatives supported by Oasis Center, proceeds from the 2018 Iris Ball will directly benefit Oasis College Connection, Nashville’s largest college access program dedicated to making post secondary education a reality for low-income, new American, and first-generation college students.

They do this through three avenues:

  1. One-on-one college counseling and classroom workshops
  2. Mentors and ACT Prep courses
  3. Tutoring at Nashville State Community College

Since 2009, OOC has helped more than 6,500 students across Nashville prepare for and succeed in college.

To learn more about Oasis Center, be sure to follow them on Facebook and check out their website by clicking here!




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